Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pierce Energy Planning


Leadership is the foundation of the energy conservation program. In order for behaviors to change in a school district, personnel must see the behaviors of leadership change. Thus, it is fair to say that as goes administration, so goes the schools. The governing board and superintendent must show initial and on-going support for the energy program giving it regular attention in public and school meetings and in other venues. Once administrators and personnel are convinced that this program has the support of leadership, they will most likely join in.


Data drives energy conservation programs in many ways. Initially, energy and building data allow the consultant to evaluate the energy performance of each campus (benchmark). A rule of thumb is that if a building performs poorly when benchmarked in Energy Star Portfolio Manager, there is an opportunity to save more on that campus through energy behavior changes. Data drives the initial analysis and continues to drive the program through monthly tracking of usage and costs. In many cases, monthly informational reports sent to each campus can motivate staff and students to work harder, especially if the usage information is made public. Energy education and “best practices” are other important types of information that must be effectively incorporated into the energy conservation program if it is to be successful.


People generally do not respond to a suggestion the first time. Good marketing firms understand that the message must be presented in various ways over and over again before it is internalized. Energy conservation programs require a constant and on-going message before the behaviors we are attempting to bring into the schools actually become habits. And when good energy behaviors become habits in the buildings, we know that the culture has been transformed. Each campus involved in the energy conservation program as well as district facilities must develop a marketing plan and implement it each year.

Pierce Energy Planning provides complete energy conservation services to public and private sector companies throughout the United States empowering them to create a culture that embraces the principles of conservation and supporting them in saving millions of dollars.

Contact Sue Pierce of Pierce Energy Planning at 480-563-0470, or visit www.energyplanning.org

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