Get other people to promote your website and your business. You can do this through links from their site to yours and from your site to theirs and so on. The more links you have the better. Think of this like network marketing.
You probably have friends in business and they have websites as well. If there is the slightest connection, having links to each other can be very beneficial to everyone involved. It could just be that you recommend this business for this reason.
Here is an example of a company that we are associated with that is a good fit with what we do and them with us. The company is Communities Online Network. They have a number of other sites that we are linked together in. If you go to Woodland Community, Davis Community, Elk Grove Communities or Natomas Communities, you will see links to our site and we have quite a number of links to their sites in two websites, two blogs, an email newsletter as well as other communication links. This mutual promotion of like-minded businesses is great for all concerned including our customers and prospects. In addition our other suppliers and associates have a possibility of benefiting as well. For example, it was through our association with Communities Online Network that we had our first video commercial created. Now we will promote them as well. It becomes more and more of a network as it expands. You get more exposure and they get more exposure. I've mentioned them 6 times in this paragraph and five of the times there is a link to their sites. But, I don't do it just for the heck of it, this company is an awesome bunch and what they are doing is very valuable to large communities and they deserve to be promoted.
Find some ways that you can link with others through website, email newsletter or blogs and continue to make your website work for you. It's not very hard work, but worthy.
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