Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Entrepreneurial Spirit Series: Andretta Greer

The Entrepreneurial Spirit Series

Andretta Greer

By now we know Entrepreneurial Spirits come from all walks of life. Some even know they were born to be an entrepreneur.

Take Andretta Greer, an author. She tells me her business is being an author and an entrepreneur. How’s that for knowing what you are?

When asked, Andretta says someone with an Entrepreneurial Spirit is an individual, one who can identify a need and provide the best services possible. This person has knowledge, is consistent and honest and continuously strives toward perfection.

As an author Andretta knows she needs to keep people informed about her newest book, always staying in front of the market. How does she do this? “My business grows when I use a variety of marketing and advertising strategies. The first way is good old fashion word of mouth. In addition I use all forms of Social Media, attend and participate in workshops, arrange for book signings, and talk to book clubs. Plus, one of the most effective tools thus far has been Internet marketing.”

Her love of life is contagious. But why does she write books? “I do what I do simply for the love of it, I love every minute of it and I’m blessed beyond words. My passion is writing and reading. Maybe more importantly, my greatest passion is learning. I love the fact that if we are conscious of it we are learning something all the time. I love that fact. I love helping others discover that in themselves.”

It’s easy to see why she loves life and writing…they both fit into her passion. She goes on to say “my passion is best defined by my loyalty and dedication to my work. I love writing and educating others in the genre of self help and personal development…learning as much as I can along the way.”

Andretta strongly believes she is driven by faith. Faith offers her a purpose and a calling to do a job…and that job is to be of service to others.

Is she afraid of risk or is it part of the whole? She tells me she is not afraid of risk. However, she chooses her “risks” wisely. “I’m usually pretty well connected to my instincts.” But did she take risks to start her business? “Of course. Several, in fact.”

“The biggest risk was actually stepping away from my original plan to write in the genre of contemporary fiction and drama. I followed my heart and began writing in self-help and personal development. The risk was personal. I wasn’t too sure how those that knew me would accept that type of writing from me. Turned out better than I could’ve ever imagined.”

So would Andretta do things differently if she had it do over? “Probably. In fact, I’d reach out to my resources sooner, preventing a lot of unnecessary spending and headache. And I wouldn’t attempt to cut costs at all expense.

And now does she feel she is successful? “Success means what you make of it. Success to me is when you can look back and feel great about your work and lives you’ve changed and people you’ve served…all on a continuous basis. I believe we should always stay in the moment of it, success that is.” Having defined success, Andretta does feel she is continually achieving success. She will always be in that moment of achieving success.

Andretta also believes she is an expert…one that is always striving to perfect her craft which fuels her expertise even more. And she carries that thought with her as she gives advice to those who want to start a career as an entrepreneur. “I’d say first and foremost don’t ever sleep on your talent, SET GOALS, practice patience (you’re going to need it), recognize your resources and opportunities and by all means use them. Everybody needs somebody. Research and do more research, and always stay humble…”

“My Entrepreneurial Spirit keeps driving me and driving me…I love it.”

I didn’t even have to ask if she sees herself as having Entrepreneurial Spirit…she already told me.

Learn more about Andretta Greer and her books at

This series of articles was commissioned by Upward Trend and written by Wendy VanHatten, a nationally published author, editor, and writing coach.

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