We got this great piece from www.SalesDog.com:
We all make
mistakes when selling our product or service. Here are the most common sales
mistakes people make. I have to admit I have made many of these mistakes, even
though I have been teaching this stuff for almost a decade.
Mistake # 1: Allowing a prospect to lead the sales process. The best
way to control the sales interaction is to ask questions. This is also the best
way to learn whether or not your product or service meets the needs of your
prospect. Quality questions that uncover specific issues, problems, or corporate
objectives are essential in helping you establish yourself as an
Sales Mistake # 2: Not completing pre-meeting
research. After several weeks of voice mail I finally connected with my prospect
and scheduled a meeting. Unfortunately, I entered the meeting without first
researching the company. Instead of presenting a solution to an existing
problem, I spent the entire meeting learning fundamental information, which to
senior executives, is a complete waste of their time. This approach is one of
most common sales mistakes. Invest the time learning about your prospect before
you call them and before you try to schedule a meeting.
See the other 5 Mistakes
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