Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Share Your Memories Of Loved Ones With An Online Memorial By Memory

What is MemoryFly?

MemoryFly is a place to write Memorials, share Memories, and place photos of loved ones, friends, anyone important to you that has passed away, whether from the past or present. MemoryFly will then store that information in a permanent, personal web site.

MemoryFly offers a place to share memories, photos and life experiences for all to see...
for generations to come.

The Memorial you build will exist on the Internet permanently. This provides a place where children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on can come to read about the lives of their ancestors in first-hand accounts and see photos shared by family and friends over the years.
MemoryFly allows you to associate different Memorials with each other which provides your visitors the chance to view information about other family members or friends, and learn about their lives as well.

Who We Are

My wife and I created MemoryFly after my mother died in 2006. At that time I realized when we pass on, very few of us are remembered beyond our immediate family. If there is no real information about who we are and what we did, our memories simply fade into the photo albums and future generations only know us through the words of those who may remember something about us.
MemoryFly is a place for everyone to share stories and life accounts of those important to them and pass that information along to all future generations. Anyone can post new Memories at any time to any Memorial. When a grandchild, great-grandchild or anyone is curious about their family roots they will be able to read first-hand accounts of the lives of those relatives.

We believe death shouldn't be shrouded in sympathy and sorrow, but a cause for celebration of the person and life you knew. Make Memorials, build family trees, and most of all share with family and friends the lives of those most important to us all. MemoryFly was built on the idea that as human beings we would like to be rememberd forever, and MemoryFly offers us the chance to never be forgotten.

Check the website at

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