Continuing from part 1 in yesterday's post regarding the Trend Setter Package of services from Upward Trend:
Today, I want to go into a bit more detail of the Trend Setter Package items and how they work, and how they work together to create synergy on the Internet.
The first item is a solid website. This is an information storehouse for detailed information that people can access easily and includes contact information, history and much more. We call this the foundation of the Trend Setter Package. Some of our clients may need an eCommerce website to sell online with a shopping cart, and in some rare cases, there are clients who want both.
We initially build the website and get it running and then we continually update and expand it monthly, sometimes adding pages, other times filling in, but it is always growing and alive so to speak, rather than static and dead. How many have been to a website that says, "last updated September, 2009" or some such. It is obvious, the site was built and abandoned. Your website is far too important a tool to ignore, or leave alone. It deserves to grow and expand and become more on an ongoing basis, and this is what we do. In some cases, we even create whole new redesigns for our clients every few years to keep it current and relevant.
Sometimes, we don't initially build a website for our clients as they have a very effective one, and in that case, we make suggestions of changes, additions, and other suggestions to make the existing website work together with the rest of the package.
Here's a key to our website services. We build all of our websites online, using online tools and programs and we know we've chosen the best out there because we have tried so many to test them. There are numerous advantages to this approach. One came from what many people told us: that they had so much trouble trying to get updates done and communication issues with the website builder. They had the website on their computer and so were at the mercy of the builder to get things done. Because we use online methods, we can update a website anywhere in the world that we can access the Internet, any time, and day. We make updates extremely quickly and this make life better for everyone.
The second item is the ever popular blog. That is a funny slang word, or made-up word that is short for weblog, but that's where they funny ends because this is a seriously powerful and effective tool for your Internet presence. In fact, we think it is the single most powerful tool in our package of services, if and when it has current, relevant and frequent posts. That's the part that we excel in.
A blog is effectively a website, but different than a typical website in that it is linear. Each new post pushes the previous post down. Many blogs now can have several pages as well to look more like a typical website and, indeed, many businesses use blogs as websites. We don't think that is as effective as it could be to have them as separate tools.
The blog would have periodic "posts" that would include text, links, video, audio, photos, slideshows, and more. They work best with text mixed in with non-text items, such as video, photos and the like. Each post is typically on the subject of what a business is about, but can also deviate from that idea and include something just for fun. This, then becomes a great place to show some personality of the business or person, and to show things liked and appreciated. We don't recommend talking about things unwanted, but a lot of blogs do that--just now ours. Keep it moving forward is our recommendation.
We use the blog as a tool to help in Internet searches. For example, each and every blog post has its own URL, so it is a searchable and findable page on the sea of the Internet. People can find you on any page you've ever published, leading them to your information in case they would like more information. In addition, we use blog posts as a tool to post to other areas on the Internet.
The more posts, the better, the better the posts, the better, and all aimed at influencing Internet searches and helping people find your products and services. Our Trend Setter Package has several levels of posting from 5-7 posts per month to daily or more than daily posts. The more posts, the faster the needle moves, and the cost is based on the level of time spent finding, and creating posts. For example, one client had just a few posts per month and was getting about 200-300 hits per month to the site. They opted to upgrade to daily posts and within six months, now have 50,000 hits per month and growing exponentially. Think of it this way: Daily posts, or about 30 per month times six months equals 180 posts approximately. That is 180 separate pages of information leading people to your products and services. At six posts per month, that would be 36 posts in the same amount of time, and though the needle is moving, it just isn't moving nearly as quickly or as effectively.
The quality of the services we offer is the same for all of our clients. Any difference is just in frequency or time spent, and so the variable cost of our services is based on our clients goals, not ours. Regardless of the package speed chosen, we give the same excellent quality.
CANi. This name stands for Constant and Never-Ending Improvement. This is what we offer all of our clients. Every day we are working to exceed our clients expectations by continually improving, and expanding our services. We never rest. Our goal is to help you grow your business and we are always finding better and more effective ways to do this at even a lower cost. We dramatically lowered our prices when we went to the Trend Setter Package. We figured that it would be so much more effective to pay a smaller monthly amount and get services each and every month, throughout the month to help grow the business, rather than a one-time event at a much higher cost. Based on the response so far, our clients agree with that concept.
More on the Trend Setter Package tomorrow. . .
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