Thursday, February 8, 2018

Pacific Power & Systems - Licensed Industrial and Commercial Electrical Contractor

(707) 437-2300 
4970 Peabody Rd 
Fairfield, CA 94533

Contractor Lic #458315
w/ C-7 & C-10

Dir #1000000158

All our electricians are NICET certified.

Members of:
ABC--Associated Builders and Contractor's Association
Western Electrical Contractor's Association
CAFAA--California Automatic Fire Alarm Association
NFPA--National Fire Protection Association
State Certified Electicians

Pacific Power & Systems, Inc., has been serving Northern California and beyond since 1999. All of our electricians are NICET certified. We are California State Certified Electricians and are members of the Associated Builders and Contracotr's Association, the California Automatic Fire Alarm Association (CAFAA), and the National Fire Protection Association.

We offer all electrical services, design build, emergency commmunications systems, and fire and security protection systems, for our commercial and industrial clients, as well as our Public Works project clients.

Whether you want to move to money saving LED technology, or retrofit an existing older electrical panel, or let us help you design your systems from the ground up, we are at your service. Our focus is in the commercial, industrial and public works sectors and that is where we shine.

Let's talk about your needs. Call us at 707.437.2300 and let's see if we can save you some money, and time.

Commercial Services
From the ground up in a design build, or retrofitting an existing build, to all manner of lighting and virtually all your electrical needs, including fire alarm systems, and emergency communication systems, Pacific Power & Systems is at your service.

Industrial Services
From small industrial services to large manufacturing operations, Pacific Power & Systems has the expertise and experience to get the job done with minimal interruption to plant production and operation.

Public Works
Public Works projects is one of our specialties. No job is too big or too small. We can do it all. This includes all electrial, emergency communication systems, schools, call centers, design build, retrofits, lighting, and fire protection systems.

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